Who we are
We are a fast-growing team of analysts drawn from academia, journalism, government and industry
based in the heart of Central London.​

Lachlan Nieboer
Founder and Director
Lachlan founded Bedford Analysis in January 2024 to provide clients with bespoke analysis of the many geopolitical issues that drive and impact critical mineral supply chains.
Critical mineral supply chains have become a geopolitical battleground. As governments worldwide jostle for strategic positions within critical minerals supply chains, stakeholders need now more than ever to anticipate the risks and opportunities emerging across business, finance and industry.
Critical mineral supply chains are the key security issue of our time. Stakeholders need these raw materials for three reasons. First, to manufacture the renewable energy technologies to meet net zero goals of the green transition; second, for the manufacturing of defence-related technologies; and third, for the production of high-end technologies deployed in our everyday lives, and the lives of the future with the next generation of AI, quantum computing and nano-technology.
The world is simultaneously preparing for the fourth industrial revolution (4IR); navigating increasingly intense geopolitical rivalries; charting a course towards ending the use of fossil fuels as the primary energy source whilst decarbonising the global economy to meet net zero goals; sanctioning the global enfranchisement of resource-rich countries and the consequent emergence new and increasingly fragmented power blocs; and mitigating the increased impacts of climate change on the poorest in society. It is a pivotal moment in history.
If your business is affected by any of this, ​Bedford Analysis is there to help you navigate this complex terrain with comprehensive regulatory, policy and strategic analysis of these issues. ​
Get in touch to discuss your requirements.
Lachlan is also a researcher in the War Studies Department at King's College London (KCL), where he co-chairs a new Critical Minerals Research Group. He has Masters degrees from KCL and Oxford University.